If you take a look at the front page of this website, you may or may not have noticed this snazzy little badge got added this morning. That is because I am now officially certified in pet first aid and CPR! I've been wanting to get this done pretty much since I started my business, and now it has happened.
I highly recommend anyone that is interested to check out Pro Pet Hero if they are interested in learning pet first aid. It is video based, and taught by an ER veterinarian. Obviously you cannot try to do CPR on your own pets, but they do tell you things that you can (and should) do. Things like feeling where the sternum ends on your pet's chest in case you need to do abdominal thrusts, among many other things.
Anyway, I'll let you get back to your day. I am very excited and proud to share this achievement with you. And while I hope I never, ever have to use any of it, I'm glad that I will be more prepared in the case that I do need it.